What are some of the best non-traditional investments to make right now?


With the world becoming more digitised, it’s no surprise that investing in the NFT market was one of the top trends in 2021. NFTs are immutable and one-of-a-kind digital assets stored on a blockchain. This year has seen an increase in the number of investors purchasing NFTs and investing in the NFT marketplace, and the trend is expected to continue. For a variety of reasons, NFTs are appealing. For starters, they can be extremely useful. Some NFTs have sold for millions of dollars, and as the market expands, values will rise even further. NFTs also offer security and fungibility that traditional assets do not. Because each NFT is stored on a blockchain, it cannot be duplicated or removed.

Do you want to invest in NFTs or the NFT market but don’t know where to start? You’ve arrived at the right place! This blog has everything you need to get started, whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting out.

A Comprehensive List of the Best NFTs to Invest In

NFTs have several advantages over traditional investments. For starters, they are usually easier to exchange than tangible items. They’re also more secure because they’re stored on the blockchain. Because they are digital, they can also be used in a variety of novel ways. Finally, because non-traditional assets are far more volatile than traditional assets, they have a higher profit potential. To get started with NFT projects, make sure you have your NFT wallet ready.

Block of Fortune

Lucky Block, a cryptocurrency platform based on a lottery, has a worldwide fan base. It will be the same with the NFT projects. Not only is the jackpot larger, but your chances of winning are better. Furthermore, because Lucky Block is built on the blockchain, it will be immune to the whims of central operators, unlike previous lotteries. And no other platform provides as many opportunities to participate in a cryptocurrency-based lottery as Lucky Block.

Lucky Block aims to differentiate itself from the competition by providing a diverse range of options as well as the ability to participate in a cryptocurrency-based lottery. If you’re looking for a unique way to express yourself, Lucky Block is the place to be! This cryptocurrency lottery platform is an excellent way to convert your money into gold. There is no better place to place your lucky bet with potential payouts of up to 70x. So don’t put it off any longer — get your Lucky Block NFTs now!

For those who purchased it before, the Lucky Block LBlock token was available for purchase at a presale price of 0.00015 BTC. In just three weeks, the coin soared to $0.01, implying that a $1,000 investment would have yielded a total return of $100,000, or 6,566 percent.


This cutting-edge virtual world allows you to create your own in-game avatar and purchase land plots to trade with other players. It’s an excellent way to get started in the fascinating world of NFT projects! Most people are familiar with the concept of a virtual world, but few have actually experienced one. In the Decentraland universe, users can interact with one another via avatars, explore various landscapes, and even purchase virtual goods and services. The possibilities are endless! All you have to do is register and link your NFT wallet.

The Decentraland universe is built on the Ethereum blockchain, but instead of ETH, it uses MANA as its native currency. Decentraland’s in-game items, particularly ‘land parcels,’ have grown in popularity as the metaverse concept has gained traction. Fans can purchase MANA and use it to purchase in-game items by using the best cryptocurrency exchange. In addition to land parcels, users can purchase paintings and other interesting products. Furthermore, because Decentraland’s content is decentralised, it can never be taken down or restricted. As a result, it’s a safe and secure place to hang out and have fun.


You’ve probably heard of CryptoPunks if you’re looking for an NFT or are ready to invest in an NFT marketplace. This collection is one of the most recent NFT projects, having debuted in 2017, and it is rapidly gaining traction. CryptoPunks are one-of-a-kind characters made possible by blockchain technology. There are a total of 10,000 punk characters in the collection, each with their own distinct personality. CryptoPunks are the blockchain’s newest and most fashionable collectible! Each is unique, with a distinct appearance and personality.

Because each CryptoPunk is unique, there will never be two assets that are the same. CryptoPunks are popular among collectors and investors alike! The CryptoPunks are the rock stars of the blockchain industry. Each Punk is unique, and they are well-known among celebrities. These NFTs are expensive, but they are well worth the money. These digital artefacts are among the most recognisable and sought-after NFTs on the market, and their value is increasing.

Penguins with Pudgy Feet

If you’re looking for something different and are willing to invest in NFT projects, Pudgy Penguins is a great NFT to add to your collection. Every one of the 8,888 NFTs in this one-of-a-kind collection features a different cartoon penguin. Each penguin has unique characteristics that set it apart from the others. Due to their popularity among wealthy investors, Pudgy Penguins has become one of the most sought-after NFT collections.

Don’t miss out on your chance to own one of these fantastic items; begin collecting Pudgy Penguins today! Certain Pudgy Penguins, on the other hand, have previously commanded exorbitant prices, with one investor paying $463,000 for one! If you’re looking for a safe investment that will pay off handsomely in the future, look no further than Pudgy Penguins.

To sum up,

The NFT industry is rapidly expanding. And now is the time to make a decision in order to make the most of it. The information in this guide will assist you in making the right investment in the right place. The rest is up to you based on your strategy, expertise, NFT project, NFT wallet preference, and budget.

Get started with NFTICALLY today to secure your NFT journey.