
Give Women The Same Rights As Men
The second wave of feminism in the US began in the early 1960s and continued until the late 1970s. The feminist movement aimed to give women the same rights as men.
Judy Brady’s piece “I Want a Wife” debuted in Ms. Magazine’s first issue in 1971. The article is written in a sarcastic style and is a famous example of feminist comedy. Brady wants her readers to look critically at a man’s views and expectations of what a wife is and should be. Brady employs powerful arguments, keyword repetition, and attractive language to make her article compelling.
Demand For Gender Equality
Exigence: Judy Brady discusses the pressures on a wife in her article. She underlines that the duties of woman and husband are distinct and unequal. Afraid of being ignored for her efforts, she loudly communicates her views. Brady illustrates her thesis by citing instances of typical wife tasks. My ideal wife will keep the home clean, iron, fix, and replace my clothing, and keep my personal belongings organized so I can find them quickly. “My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?” She ends the piece by addressing both married and unmarried readers. The article is about a wife’s expectations in a marriage. She writes for married couples as well as men and women in general. In this article, marital status is irrelevant. The audience should have some knowledge about divorce and marriage. The audience is also assumed to have basic reading skills and knowledge of terms like “adherence”, “monogamy”, and “nurturance”. She strives to educate the public on the need to end gender assumptions and stereotypes. This relates to her demand for gender equality.
How Men Perceive Their Women
Why should people read and follow her advice? “All ladies stop!” she says with her arguments. You need not act like this.” She wants women to quit being ‘slaves.’ Her continuous “I want a wife to…” evokes emotions in readers, perhaps leading to action. She wants others to read it because the positions of women demoralize them. Brady defines a wife via her husband’s eyes. Brady uses wit, irony, language, and rhetoric to create a powerful piece of literature that shows how men perceive their women. This phrase emphasizes the husband’s selfishness, laziness, and desire to be “left free”. Brady skillfully employs the Greek umbrella phrase, Rhetoric, which is well ordered and well thought out. Rhetoric is the art of utilizing language and imagery to influence an audience. Brady employs three rhetorical arguments in her essay: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
Understand The Roles Of Women
Ethos: I am a wife, and also a mother.” She is not just credible because she is a wife but also because she appears to know a lot about her topic. And all that knowledge about wife duties isn’t random. She must have lived it to understand the roles of women. She mentions various ‘jobs’ a woman must do, and her tone is that of a frustrated wife. Her piece was also published in the spring 1972 edition of Ms. Magazine, adding to her reputation. She was also a feminist activist.
Husbands Expect Too Much Of Them As Spouses
Pathos: She wants readers to act after reading her piece. She wants people enraged. She desires jealousy in guys who expect this from women. She begins by explaining her identity. “I am a co-worker.” She talks about everyday difficulties and wives’ unreasonable expectations of a man’s potential. She then goes on to enumerate the ‘jobs’ that women require. “My God, what wouldn’t like a wife?” she exclaims. Men assaulting their spouses are discouraged. Brady also urges women who are unaware of such acts to speak forward. Many women are likewise ignorant of their mistakes. This essay help women evaluate their lives and determine if their husbands expect too much of them as spouses.
Role Of Women
Logos: Judy Brady’s piece makes good points. To do too much for women, she claims. She doesn’t say it directly, but she mentions the role of women. Her piece also mentions the gender disparity. Her work describes a man who wishes to go to school and be financially supported. She needs a wife to take care of the house, kids, bills, family health, and social life. A wife should not be expected to do too much by her spouse. Her arguments are well-crafted. Her reputation draws readers. And by depicting the responsibilities of women one by one, she engages her readers. She expresses herself using few words.