A Guide to 10 Different Data Science Jobs

Data Science Jobs

There are numerous professions available that require you to have a data science background. It can be perplexing at times. It’s difficult to tell if you’re overqualified or underqualified for a job. Companies can have overlapping job descriptions, or their own unique understanding (and nomenclature) of what a job should entail doesn’t help.

Job Roles in Data Science

  1. Data Analyst

Data analysts are in charge of a variety of tasks, such as processing, munging, and data visualization. They must also run database queries on a regular basis. One of the most important skills possessed by a data analyst is optimization. This is because they must create and modify algorithms that can extract data without generating data corruption from some of the world’s largest databases.

The following are some of the most important roles and responsibilities of a data analyst:

  • Using automated techniques to extract data from primary and secondary sources.
  • Database creation and maintenance.
  • Analyzing data and preparing reports with recommendations
  • Data analysis and trend forecast that affects the organization/project.
  • Collaborating with other members of the team to improve data gathering and quality control procedures.

How to Become a Data Analyst?

SQL, R, SAS, and Python are some of the most popular data analysis tools. As a result, accreditation in these areas can readily increase your job applications. You should also be able to solve problems effectively.

  1. Data Engineers

For enterprises, data engineers build and test scalable Big Data ecosystems so that data scientists may run their algorithms on stable and well-optimized data platforms. To improve database performance, data engineers also replace old systems with newer or better versions of current technologies.

The following are some of the most important roles and responsibilities of a data engineer:

  • Create and keep data management systems up to date.
  • Data collection, acquisition, and administration are all part of the process.
  • Researching both primary and secondary sources.
  • Using data to uncover hidden patterns and forecast trends.
  • Collaboration with other teams to gain a better understanding of the organization’s aims.
  • Based on analytics, create reports and provide updates to stakeholders.

How to Become a Data Engineer?

Hive, NoSQL, R, Ruby, Java, C++, and Matlab are all technologies that require hands-on knowledge if you want to work as a data engineer. Working with popular data APIs and ETL tools, for example, would be advantageous.

  1. Database Administrator

The job description of a database administrator is fairly self-explanatory: they are responsible for the proper administration of all of an organization’s databases and provide or revoke services to corporate staff based on their demands. Database backups and restores are also their responsibility.

Key Roles and Responsibilities Include:

  • Working on database management and storage software.
  • Working on database development and design.
  • Database security measures are being implemented.
  • Reports, documentation, and operational instructions are all prepared.
  • Archiving of data.
  • Collaboration with programmers, project managers, and other members of the team.

How to Become a Database Administrator?

Database backup and recovery, data security, data modeling, and design, and other vital abilities and talents of a database administrator include these. It’s a big plus if you’re adept at catastrophe management.

  1. Machine Learning Engineer

Engineers who are skilled in machine learning are in high demand right now. On the other hand, the work profile has its own set of difficulties. Machine learning engineers are expected to perform A/B testing, create data pipelines, and implement common machine learning algorithms like classification, clustering, and others, as well as have a thorough understanding of some of the most powerful technologies like SQL, and REST APIs, and so on.

The following are some of the key roles and responsibilities of a Machine Learning Engineer:

  • Machine Learning system design and development.
  • Machine Learning Algorithms are the subject of my research.
  • Machine Learning systems are being tested.
  • Creating apps/products based on the needs of the client.
  • Existing Machine Learning frameworks and libraries are being extended.
  • Exploring and displaying data to aid comprehension.
  • Systems for training and retraining.

How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer?

To begin, you must have a thorough understanding of some of the technologies, such as Java, Python, and JS. Second, you must have a solid understanding of statistics and mathematics. It’s a lot easier to ace a job interview once you’ve mastered both.

  1. Data Scientist

Data scientists must understand business problems and use data analysis and processing to deliver the best solutions. For example, they are expected to undertake predictive analysis and go over “unstructured/disorganized” data with a fine-toothed comb to provide actionable insights. They can also do so by spotting trends and patterns that might aid businesses in making better judgments.

Among the key responsibilities and roles of a data scientist are:

  • Identifying sources of data collecting for business needs.
  • Data cleansing, processing, and integration.
  • The process of data collecting and management can be automated.
  • Improving processes with Data Science techniques and technologies.
  • Large volumes of data are analyzed to forecast trends and produce reports with recommendations.
  • Product, engineering, and business teams all worked together on this project.

How to Become a Data Scientist?

You must be proficient in R, MatLab, SQL, Python, and other complementary technologies to work as a data scientist. If you have a higher degree in mathematics, computer engineering, or a related field, it can also help.

  1. Data Architect

A data architect creates data management plans. It allows databases to be easily consolidated and secured using the most advanced security techniques. They also ensure that the data engineers are working with the most up-to-date tools and platforms.

Important Responsibilities and Roles of a Data Architect:

  • Creating and implementing a comprehensive data strategy that is aligned with the business/goals. organizations.
  • Data collection sources must be identified by the data strategy.
  • Collaboration with cross-functional teams and stakeholders to ensure that database systems run smoothly.
  • End-to-end data architecture planning and management.
  • Maintaining database systems and architecture in a way that is both efficient and secure.
  • Auditing the performance of data management systems regularly and making modifications to improve the systems as needed.

How to Become a Data Architect?

Expertise in data warehousing, data modeling, extraction transformation and load (ETL), and other areas is required for a job in data architecture. You should also be familiar with Hive, Pig, and Spark, among other things.

  1. Statistician

As the name implies, a statistician is well-versed in statistical theory and data organization. They help engineers build innovative ways by extracting and providing substantial insights from data clusters.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Statistician include:

  • Data collection, analysis, and interpretation
  • Statistical methodologies/tools are used to analyze data, evaluate results, and forecast trends/relationships.
  • Processes for data gathering design.
  • Stakeholders must be informed of the findings.
  • On a date basis, advising/consulting on organizational and company strategy.
  • Collaboration with cross-functional groups.

How to Become a Statistician?

A statistician must have a strong interest in reasoning. They are also proficient in a range of database systems, including SQL, data mining, and machine learning.

  1. Business Analyst

Business analysts understand how data-oriented technologies function and how to handle massive volumes of data, but they also know how to distinguish high-value data from low-value data. To put it another way, they figure out how to connect large amounts of data. It contains helpful business insights that can aid in the growth of businesses.

Few Roles of a Business Analyst include:

  • Understanding the organization’s business
  • Conducting a thorough company study – identifying issues, opportunities, and potential solutions
  • Efforts to improve current business processes
  • new technology and systems analysis, design, and implementation
  • Forecasting and budgeting
  • Analysis of Costs.

How to Become a Business Analyst?

Business analysts serve as a link between data engineers and executives in charge of management. As a result, they should be familiar with corporate finances and business intelligence, as well as IT technologies such as data modeling and data visualization tools.

  1. Data and Analytics Manager

A data and analytics manager oversees data science operations and assigns tasks to their team. It is determined by their skills and knowledge. SAS, R, SQL, and other technologies, as well as management, should be among their skills.

Data and Analytics Manager Roles and Responsibilities include:

  • Creating strategies for data analysis.
  • Analytical solutions are being researched and implemented.
  • Managing and leading a data analysis team.
  • Ensure the quality of all data analytics operations by supervising them.
  • Creating methods and processes to turn raw data into useful business information.

How to Become a Data and Analytics Manager?

First and foremost, you must possess exceptional social skills, leadership characteristics, and a willingness to think beyond the box. You should be proficient in data science tools such as Python, SAS, R, Java, and others.

  1. Research Scientist

This data science job title is more theoretical and research-oriented than the previous ones we’ve looked at. Researchers investigate computing issues and then either improve current algorithms or create new ones to solve them.

Important Responsibilities and Roles of a Research Scientists:

  • Computing, user, and business problem research.
  • Recognize users’, goods’, and features’ underlying concerns and behaviors.
  • Develop new programming languages, tools, and software.
  • Improve the way computers work and the way people interact with them.

How to Become a Data and Research Scientist?

Researching Requires a Specific Set of Skills Scientists are Programming Languages, which means you have a thorough understanding of programming theory and ideas. Hardware engineering and software architecture are examples of technical skills.


Make an effort to discover which personality you are if you are serving in one of these sectors or plan to be a part of one. Don’t be afraid to declare your qualities. As a data scientist, you’ll need a mix of all of these abilities.